Thursday, June 28, 2012

Second anniversary !! !!

June 2010 is the date when AKSH started operations ... today - two years are completed.

It has been a beautiful journey for all of us - fun, faith and feelings .. all went into shaping AKSH into its present form.

Within last 1 year , we added 7 more students and plan to add few more this academic year. 

the reason for our growth in contributions is not BIG contributions from people .. but contributions from BIG number of people ... 

thanks all, for your support

First year fee for Kiran*

The reciept of first year fee for Kiran*

name changed to protect the identity of student

Allotment letter for Kiran* admission

This is admission letter from Mohindra College. It confirms Kiran's admission for B. Sc. course.

* name changed to protect the identity of student

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summer training fee for Vikram*

The reciept of training fee for Vikram*

He has joined training program run by Thapar University for 6 weeks.

* name changed to protect the identity of student

Friday, June 15, 2012

Third semester fee for Subhash*

The reciept of semster fee for Subhash*

name changed to protect the identity of student