A mentor program is planned for kids studying under scholarship in SDSE school in Patiala.
These kids have very less awareness for the kind of career opportunities available these days. If we can help them with some imagination - i am sure there are more opportunities to aim for other than simple engineering or medical stream.
The idea of this program is to create a group of volunteers who can mentor a kid from 11th class onwards. The purpose is to build a bond with the kid, so that over the period of time - the kid is able to discuss his/her interests , studies , difficulties etc etc. Ideally, the link should continue through the graduation studies as well. Think of it like the kid is your younger brother or sister - whom you would like to nurture through these formative years of his/her life.
What is required from a volunteer ?
Typically, to build a contact - through regular phone calls (say, once a month or twice a month) or as and when required. If you feel the kid needs some kind of help then we can share this concern among us and try to work out some solution for the kid.
Let me know, if you are interested to volunteer. It does not require any travel or change of routine for you - but a regular and sincere talk on phone with a kid.
I would love to have two volunteers for every kid ...